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Study Synopsis Submission Form 

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Additional Information 


Criteria for a NARAP study:


  • applicability as a multi-center study, preferably with pilot data

  • powered to meet the study objectives

  • meets IRB approval at each participating NARAP site

  • conducted to the highest ethical and objective standards

  • prepared for publication regardless of the implications of the results

  • no product promotion

  • potential to provide meaningful experience for RAs​


Process to propose research project:


  1. Initial discussion begins with Dr. Keith Bradley, MD  or call:  (203) 767-6363

  2. If there is mutual interest, the researcher submits a brief outline of the project for review by Dr. Beau Abar, PhD, our Chief Research Officer

  3. With his approval, the researcher develops a formal proposal (collaborative work with NARAP on this is encouraged)

  4. Next, the proposal is circulated to the NARAP Program Directors for their consensus endorsement to proceed as a NARAP study

  5. With the researcher as the Principal Investigator, an Authors Group is developed among Associate Investigators at the PIs institution and NARAP personnel:

  6. members will be those actively involved in the study to the level of authorship

  7. will act as the steering committee for the study

  8. The study is then given a schedule for IRB approvals, training, enrollment initiation and completion, data analysis, presentations and publication

  9. The Authors Group will work closely together to monitor the optimal production of the research.



NARAP's administrative costs vary on several factors, including the size and complexity of the study, and are based on fair-market value.  Funding for NARAP's participation must be included in all federal, foundation, and industry grant applications for studies the organization facilitates.  Documentation of funding requests must be submitted with the formal proposal.


Our sponsored services are specialized research projects similar to our current healthcare research. Our services are emergency department based, and designed to help you with marketing, strategic planning, proof of concept reports and more. To tell us about your organization and project please contact

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66 Lilalyn Drive

Fairfield, CT  06825




NARAP is registered
as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

(860) 386-5676

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